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Your Child at 18 Months:

What Most Children Do at This Age:

Social / Emotional

•Likes to hand things to others as play

•May have temper tantrums

•May be afraid of strangers

•Shows affection to familiar people

•Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll

•May cling to caregivers in new situations

•Points to show others something interesting

•Explores alone but with parent close by


Language / Communication

•Says several single words

•Says and shakes head “no”

•Points to show someone what he wants


Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving)

•Knows what ordinary things are for; for example, telephone, brush, spoon

•Points to get the attention of others

•Shows interest in a doll or stuffed animal by pretending to feed

•Points to one body part

•Scribbles on his own

•Can follow 1-step verbal commands without any gestures; for example, sits when you say “sit down”


Movement / Physical Development

•Walks alone

•May walk up steps and run

•Pulls toys while walking

•Can help undress herself

•Drinks from a cup

•Eats with a spoon



Act Early by Talking to Your Child’s Doctor if Your Child:

•Doesn’t point to show things to others

•Can’t walk

•Doesn’t know what familiar things are for

•Doesn’t copy others

•Doesn’t gain new words

•Doesn’t have at least 6 words

•Doesn’t notice or mind when a caregiver leaves or returns

•Loses skills he once had

"The beginning of something is always important, especially when it is young and needs time to grow." ~Plato

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